讲座题目:Error profile analysis of Illumina sequencing data: R&D-derived business operations and beyond
主 讲 人:李彤彬博士,美国AccuraScience公司总裁、首席生物信息学家
简介:李彤彬,1991年获北京大学生物物理学学士学位,2000年获威斯康星-麦德逊大学神经生物学博士学位,2001年获休斯敦大学计算机科学硕士学位,2004年到2009年在美国明尼苏达大学任助理教授,2009年到2013年在美国LC Sciences公司任生物信息总监,2013年起任美国AccuraScience公司总裁、首席生物信息学家。李彤彬博士在2004年明尼苏达大学任教起以来共发表文章约40篇,带队开发、发表了10多个生物信息软件和网站,获美国国家健康研究院等联邦和地方科研经费经费资助约180万美元,并在多家国际学术刊物任编委。
摘要:Rapid advances in next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies have
induced drastic changes in how biomedical research is conducted.
Currently, multiple NGS technologies are offering substantially higher
throughput in producing sequencing data at much reduced cost, when
compared to Sanger sequencing. Despite these extraordinary advantages,
current NGS technologies also possess two distinct disadvantages,
namely, short read lengths and high error rates. Consequently,
NGS-based resequencing is generally regarded as a high-throughput
variant screening procedure, rather than a reliable variant
identification routine. Focusing on data generated from Illumina - one
of the most successful NGS platforms, we closely examined the error
profiles of these data in a novel "read-centric" approach. Our
discovery prompted a fresh look at each of the two limitations
previously believed to be intrinsically associated with NGS
technologies. In this talk, I will not only describe this story as a
R&D project, but also discuss how it was extended into two lines of
business operations. Moreover, I will offer a view about the direction
the bioinformatics industry is moving towards [The presentation will
be made in Chinese].